Jaan Toomik
Born 1961 in Tartu, Estonia / lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia
The pursuit of interaction and communication is a recurring motif of Jaan Toomik's art. Still, sociality is almost entirely foreign to his sensibility. Eventually, in pursuit of interaction and communication, the artist reaches for those nearest and dearest — family, friends, himself, or for something very far off, like transcendence, universe, death. He makes these two extremities meet and interpenetrate.
Thus, his famous video Father and Son shows a naked Toomik skating in an icy wilderness to the accompaniment of a religious chant sung by his ten-year old son. At the beginning we see a small dark spot in the distance, but, as the skater approaches, we can make out a middle-aged man, who is meeting his son amid a snowy universe. Then again away he speeds and vanishes into a thin air. Respectively, Another video entitled Dancing with Dad features Toomik dancing on the grave of his father, who died an early death. Through dance the artist aspires 'to overcome his own taboos and get in touch with his dead parent.'
Seagulls, video 1'47" (2004)
Toomik explains his project Seagulls as follows: ‘This work, made in collaboration with experimental musician Rainer Jancis, is really a short music video with me as the vocalist and him providing the music. Everything was filmed through the medium of water; it is actually based on a nightmare I have had, and I think it can be read on a number different of levels. It expresses those frustrating physical restrictions often experienced in dreams (the inability to run fast, etc.) and clearly represents the struggle to communicate... Perhaps, it also expresses the fear of getting old or becoming handicapped and less physically capable, while still needing to express oneself.’
Seagulls, video 1'47" (2004)
Seagulls, video 1'47" (2004)
Seagulls, video 1'47" (2004)
Seagulls, video 1'47" (2004)
