Konstantin Adjer Valeriy Ayzenberg Pawel AlthamerJohanna Billing Sonia BoyceVaast Colson Didier Courbot Honoré d’O ESCAPE program Yevgeniy FiksVadim Fishkin Alberto Garutti Jens HaaningJeanne van Heeswijk IRWINSuchan Kinoshita Jiri Kovanda Yuri Leiderman and Andrei SilvestrovAnton Litvin Liza Morozova Roman Ondak Adrian Paci Cesare Pietroiusti R.E.P.Andrei Silvestrov Shimabuku SOSkaTanzLaboratorium Moniek Toebosch Jaan Toomik Luca Vitone

Born 1969 in Kobe, Japan / lives and works in Berlin

Shimabuku works with places and people, often resulting in humorous works about everyday life. Using a variety of formats including film, video, text, performance and installation, he revisits local traditions and hidden histories by transporting them into unlikely contexts.

A Great Day

The «A Great Day» installation was inspired by the artist’s Moscow experience. The work consists of things the artist bought from a street vendor. The artist addresses historical past.

Moscow museum of modern art