Konstantin Adjer Valeriy Ayzenberg Pawel AlthamerJohanna Billing Sonia BoyceVaast Colson Didier Courbot Honoré d’O ESCAPE program Yevgeniy FiksVadim Fishkin Alberto Garutti Jens HaaningJeanne van Heeswijk IRWINSuchan Kinoshita Jiri Kovanda Yuri Leiderman and Andrei SilvestrovAnton Litvin Liza Morozova Roman Ondak Adrian Paci Cesare Pietroiusti R.E.P.Andrei Silvestrov Shimabuku SOSkaTanzLaboratorium Moniek Toebosch Jaan Toomik Luca Vitone
Konstantin Adjer

Born 1970 in Moscow / Lives and works in Moscow

Konstantin Adjer continually deals with music in his artworks. It is no accident, since he is a professional musician as well as an artist. Adjer majored in conducting and woodwind instruments at  the Gnesin Musical College. And only later on his artistic career began with a course of the legendary artist Yuri Sobolev at the International Workshop of Synthesis Theatre and Animation Interstudio.




Performance, video documentation

Performed at the opening of the exhibition “Impossible community” at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art on September 6th and 7th, 2011.

In his work [mju:t] created exclusively for the Impossible Community Adjer carries on the research of the problem of communication, one of his most recurring themes. Several musicians participate in the performance – they are improvising. But their instruments are tampered with: the saxophone is stripped of its reed, the electronic instruments are unplugged etc. And yet the participants continue to play by means of gestures and mimics. And, it turns out, an instrument is not so essential a thing when the inner music is heard and communicated between the participants. The main requirement of a jam session, an oriental technique of collective improvisation, is to listen and understand one another, to submit one’s ego to the interests of the team for the sake of general harmony. A successful collective improvisation is a metaphor of a fruitful conversation.

Participants: Yana Aksenova (termenvox), Konstantin Adjer (saxophone), Max Gurin (keyboard)

[mju:t] 2011 Performance, Moscow
[mju:t] 2011 Performance, Moscow
[mju:t] 2011 Performance, Moscow
Moscow museum of modern art