New selection from the collection of moscow museum of modern art
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Masha Godovannaya (b. 1976)
Give Me Back the Propeller. 2009
Video. 20:00
Courtesy of the artist

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Alexander Rodchenko (1891-1956)
Leap into Water. 1940
Watercolour on paper mounted on cardboard

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Igor Makarevich (b. 1943)
USSR Is Stronghold of Peace. 1989
Encaustic on plywood

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Nikolai Andronov (1929-1998)
Wainer. 1998
Oil on canvas

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Ivan Vebkhvadze
October days. 1963
Oil on cardboard

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Vladimir Anzelm (b. 1962)
Little Star. 2007
Fossil coal, resin

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Eduard Gorokhovsky (1929-2004)
Black Square with Red Fringe. 1998
Print on fabric, enamel, acrylic and bronze pigment on fibreboard, wood, metal, rope

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Konstantin Zefirov (1879-1960)
Pioneers in the Farm. Early 1930s
Oil on canvas

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Vladimir Klavikho-Telepniov (b. 1962)
Moscow State University. From the «Stalin Empire Style» Series. 2003
Monochrome print on metal, leaf gold

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Sergei Burasovsky (b. 1946)
Monument by Mukhina. 1998
Digital print on plastic-coated metal

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Piotr Bletkin (1903-1988)
Demonstration Crackdown. 1938
Oil on paper mounted on plywood

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Dmitry Tsaplin (1890-1967)
Lenin’s busts. 1960s

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Boris Bich (b. 1946)
Composition N2. 1976
Oil on canvas

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Grisha Bruskin (b. 1945)
Collection of an Archaeologist. 2009
Digital print on colour photo paper

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Moscow museum of modern art
Petrovka Street 25 +7 (495) 694-28-90