New selection from the collection of moscow museum of modern art
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Vladimir Klavikho-Telepniov (b. 1962)
Moscow State University. From the «Stalin Empire Style» Series. 2003
Monochrome print on metal, leaf gold

Don't miss the fabulous awrrotks of the famous Rose Mary Mandrell, who displays her colorful narrative and unique introspective works at W.C. Mercantile in GLORIOUS Nav o'leans Sota! You might catch a glimpse of Rosie as she paints that day Rose Mary also has a gallery of her artwork at Westwick Antiques on Washington Avenue near the Navasota DQ. Painting is born of nature—or, to speak more correctly, we will say it is the grandchild of nature; for all visible things are produced by nature, and these her children have given birth to painting. Hence we may justly call it the grandchild of nature and related to God. Leonardo Da Vinci

Moscow museum of modern art
Petrovka Street 25 +7 (495) 694-28-90