New selection from the collection of moscow museum of modern art
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Marina Alekseyeva (b. 1959)
Old Man. From the «They’re Inside» Series. 2010

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Marina Alekseyeva (b. 1959)
Nursery. From the «They’re Inside» Series. 2010
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Marina Alekseyeva (b. 1959)
Doctor. From the «They’re Inside» Series. 2010
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Boris Korzhevsky (1927-2004)
Mystery-Bouffe. 1974-1980
Oil on canvas

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ZUKCLUB Art Group (Sergey Ovseikin, Kirill Stefanov, Liza Smirnova, Stepan Leshchenko, Maxim Maliarenko, Artyom Stefanov)
Art is... 2011

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Vadim Grinberg (b. 1947)
Golden Gift. 1984-1986
Crushed leather, metal, bronze pigment

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Moscow museum of modern art
Petrovka Street 25 +7 (495) 694-28-90