New selection from the collection of moscow museum of modern art
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George Pusenkoff (b. 1953)
Big Black Pixel. 2001
Acrylic on canvas

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Andrey Grossitsky (b. 1934)
Frame. 1988
Oil on fibreboard

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Suren Malyan (1918-2005)
World of Cubes. 1985
Chamotte, engobe, salts, glaze

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Irina Nakhova (b. 1955)
Two Transitions. 1974
Four-part composition. Oil on cardboard

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Mikhail Berzing (b. 1955)
Passage. 1989
Oil on canvas

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Natalia Parkhomenko (b. 1938)
Phylogenesis of the Universe. 1978
Oil on wood, stones

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Moscow museum of modern art
Petrovka Street 25 +7 (495) 694-28-90