New selection from the collection of moscow museum of modern art
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Lev Tabenkin (b. 1952)
Road. 2002
Oil on canvas

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Irina Stenberg (1905-1985)
Uncle Volodia.1929
Songuine and charcoal pencil on toned paper

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Andrey Vasnetsov (1924-2009)
Reclining Figure
Watercolour and gouache on paper

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Sofiko Tchkhikvadze (b. 1972)
Vova. 2002
Oil on canvas

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Yury Zlotnikov (b. 1930)
Spatial clone. 1998
Oil on canvas

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«You may lie on the bed and use the remote control!»

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«You may lie on the bed and use the remote control!»

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Moscow museum of modern art
Petrovka Street 25 +7 (495) 694-28-90